
Speak positively to at least one member of staff every day.


Acknowledge people’s good work in public – verbally or through e-mail.


Open doors and blinds at least 80% of each working day.


Move around the work area to chat a bit with staff rather than being confined to your room. Consider working with the team in clients’ office.


Don’t wait for staff to schedule development plan discussions with you, offer to discuss in a more relaxed environment (coffee shop).


All internal meetings to start and finish on time. Late attendance to be considered unacceptable.


No computers, mobile phones or blackberries to be used in internal meetings.


Leave PoDs and internal meeting rooms the way you would want someone to leave it for you. (PoD = point of discussion)


Concentrate on work and minimize unnecessary distraction during office hours. Ensure that you arrive on time and/or leave earlier.


Change personal behavior / working protocols, and enhance job management and work efficiency by timely monitoring the budget control in order to reach the goal of work-life balance.


Initiate thought leadership activities that would make clients proud to have you as partner.


Get to know CEO/COO and CFO’s secretaries (access to decision makers).


Meet with client at least four times in an audit year.


Responding as “one firm” to the client with regards to coordination and deliverables, and not using internal processes as an excuse of not being able to meet client expectations / deadlines.


Discussing and responding to matters and issues (especially difficult / adverse positions) from the client’s point of view.


Be available all the time – contactable (mobile, email); establish formal turn-around time.


Return calls within the day or if call received in the evening, early the following day.


Require all employees to read and reply mail daily unless the have OOO notification. (OOO = out of office).


Answer office phone calls within three rings. Re-educate staff in picking up calls and receptionist in transferring calls.


Actively react to global warming: manage wastage and recycle (e.g. paper and cups), turn off electric appliances before leaving the office.



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